Party Terms & Conditions, Rules of Play and Privacy/Cookies Policy
We hope you enjoy your party at Adventure Kidz
Please note: all party rooms will be allocated by Adventure Kidz on the day of the party. We cannot guarantee you upstairs rooms as we have to take into consideration ages of children and any disability. Adventure Kidz Limited
Party Terms & Conditions
These conditions set out the basic on which we provide Party Packages and Play. We are Adventure Kidz Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 7458701 with our registered office located at Montague Place, Quayside, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4QU.
Definitions of words used in these Conditions can be found in paragraph 12 of these Conditions.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
No Contract will exist between you and us until we have received a 50% deposit. Through payment of this deposit you are deemed to have accepted our party terms and conditions. We reserve the right prior to this stage to decline any request by you for a Party Package.
Payment for the Party Package will be due in the following instalments:
a) A deposit of 50% must be submitted to us to secure the booking. (Non refundable)
b) The balance of the party has to be paid 7 days prior to the party for your booking to go a head. Once you have confirmed your party numbers and processed your final payment, we are unable to offer any form of refund. This inculdes a goverment forced lockdown to do with any kind of old pandemic (Covid) or a new strain. If you choose to cancel your party inside the 7 days before paying the balance this will still be due under these terms to be paid in full.
c) Where the order as stated in the Party Confirmation is varied, any sum payable by you as a result of any variation to such original order will be payable by you in full when we agree to that variation, or as otherwise agreed by us in writing.
Site Security
3.1 All people attending a party must join the Adventure Kidz Ltd registration scheme to comply with our Full Track and Trace policy.
3.2 Seven days prior to attending the Site you will supply us with the names of all children who will be attending along with their hot food choice. We require this information for entry into our security system.
Party Bookings
Toddler Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason
Standard Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Quad Bike Party includes access to all of the soft play area. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package.
High Ropes Party includes access to all of the soft play area subject to the Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Laser Gun Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Teddy Tastic Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Age and height restrictions apply on the high ropes you must be 4 years and above and be a minimum 1metre tall. Any children between 1 meter and 1.2 metres must be accompanied by an Adult of 18 years and above at all times.
To avoid any disappointment please read our party terms and conditions before booking a party.
Variation by Us
We reserve the right to change the content of any of the Party Packages
6.1 Purchasing a party is acceptance of our terms/rules of play. If you cancel the party before the date of the party any monies paid ie your deposit or full payment is non-refundable, This includes if we are forced as a company to close due to any virus/pandemic or for any other reason by the government body/department including local Council and EHO. If you cancel/no show for your party this is non-refundable also applies.
6.2 Subject to our sole discretion which is (not guaranteed in any form) cancellations due to serious illness or other serious factor may be considered to rebooked without incurring any fee. Evidence may be requested to confirm the above from your doctor/hospital. or forced closures, lockdowns, pandemics may be rebooked without incurring any fee at a time and date agreed with both parties..
7.1 The rules of Play will apply to these Conditions as stated herein.
7.2 The Party Organizer should arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the party.
7.3 Party Organizer must inform Adventure Kidz staff of any food allergies or similar materially important facts concerning all children within their party.
7.4 The upstairs party rooms are for eating only (40mins). You do not have access to them for the full 2 hours.
7.5 We reserve tables in the main seating area for any party’s that have the upstairs party rooms.
7.6 You are able to put balloons, and bunting into the party rooms but you must only use Blue Tak You are able to fix to any table of window, Cello-tape is forbidden. NO DECORATIONS ARE TO BE AFFIXED TO ANY WALLS IN ANY PARTY ROOM.
7.7 Parking on site within our Car Park. You must not park on any Double Yellow Lines as these are in forced by UK Parking tickets will be issued if you are not parking in the correct bays provided. If our parking is full you are able to park elsewhere on the estate including the retail park free of charge. A restruction of 3 hours parking applies on the retail park please read signs for full terms and conditions. Adventure Kidz is unable to reserve any parking spaces it is on a first come first serve basics. We cannot guarantee you a space within our carpark for general play or attending a party/event.
8.1. We do not exclude our liability for death or personal injury arising from negligence or that or our employees.
8.2 We exclude our liability for all and any loss, damage and /or theft that you may suffer howsoever arising and all and any injury, which does not fall within the parameters.
Third Party Rights
These Conditions only apply between you and us and no one else is entitled to enforce any provision of these Conditions.
Law and Jurisdiction
These Conditions are to be governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws of England. Legal action in connection with these Conditions may only be brought in the courts of England and Wales.
Closure of Play Equipment
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
In these definitions the following expressions have the following meanings:
Conditions: The conditions in this contract and changed we make to them
Contract: The contract between you and us authorizing us to provide the Party Package in accordance with these Conditions.
Deposit: 50% of the price. (Non refundable) Balance is payable in full 7 days piror to the party date. If you cancel your party inside 7 days without final payment this will still be payable under these terms.
Party: The party for which we are providing the Party Package.
Party Organizer: The parent or guardian responsible for the children at the Party.
Party Package: The party service we provide for your party.
Party Confirmation: The confirmation (letter or email) sent to you by us confirming details of your Party.
Price: The total fee payable by you for the provision of the Party Package.
Rules of Play: The rules which apply to playing at the Site and which are attached to these Conditions.
Site: Adventure Kidz Ltd Indoor Adventure Centre.
‘We, us or our’: Adventure Kidz Ltd.
‘You’: The customer who is entering into this Contract on the basic of these Conditions.
Adventure Kidz Rules of Play
1) All visitors must register their details at reception prior to entering.
2) While Adventure Kidz Limited and its employees attempt to ensure the complete safety of our visitors it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to supervise and accompany children on the site A responsible adult of 18 years and over must accompany all children at all times. Adventure Kidz does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children.
3) An adult is classed as a parent or guardian over the age of 18 and the child/children remain their responsibility at all times when in Adventure Kidz. This is for the safety and security of their children. The above age requirement is imposed upon us from child services, the local EHO and our Public Liability insurers.
4) The parents/guardians must:
• Remain within the building at all times;
• Observe the child to ensure that they are capable of using the equipment safely;
• Explain these rules of play to the children and monitor their behaviour;
• Know where their child is and make sure the child knows where they are at all times
5) All height and age restrictions in all areas imposed by the management must be adhered to.
6) Older Children can be admitted at the management’s discretion but will be charged at the Child rate of 4-12 years.
7) Abusive/aggressive or any other type of behavior deemed to be unsuitable towards Adventure Kidz staff; management or any other member of the public from either adults or children will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Visitors may be asked to leave the centre with a warning placed on their records if they have an annual pass, Adventure Kidz management also reserve the right to enforce a total ban. Should members of the public witness any unsuitable behavior from either adults or children they MUST inform a member of staff immediately who will then resolve the situation, as opposed to the public using any verbal or physical intervention themselves. Failure to follow this rule could result in further action being taken by Adventure Kidz Ltd or individual parties involved. In the event of failing to comply with the above the Police may be called to resolve any issues.
8) Children should use the toilet and wash their hands before entering the play area.
9) Leave badges and jewellery with a responsible adult. Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer and shatterproof lenses.
10) Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times. In case of a problem, contact reception or a member of staff.
11) Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice or compensation. We will endeavor to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
12) Adventure Kidz reserves the right to restrict play sessions. This will be communicated to guests before payment is taken on reception.
13) Age restrictions vary dependent on the play area that visitors are using. These are in place for the safety and enjoyment of all children.
14) Play can be restricted to 2 hours during peak times.
15) We recommend to parents that children wear long sleeves and trousers. Clothes should be tucked in at all times. Football shirts and other items of clothing that are made from man made fibres are not recommended and will prevent children from using some of the attractions (Drop Slide) within Adventure Kidz.
16) Clothes with ropes and cords should not be worn in the play area.
17) Please do not play in front of the slide exits or run up/down the slides.
18) No pens or sharp objects may be taken into the play area.
19) It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or the system structure.
20) Our food and drink is very tasty and reasonably priced. Unfortunately you are not permitted to bring your own. Please observe this rule and save yourself any embarrassment.
21) No food, drink or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
22) It is forbidden to smoke or play with fire within the play centre.
23) Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit the centre for at least 48 hours.
24) Children, who become unwell in the centre, must leave the centre immediately.
25) Children who are unwell should not enter the play area.
26) Balls or other objects should not be thrown at each other.
27) Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave.
28) Parents/Guardians know their child’s capabilities and behaviour best and should ensure an appropriate level of supervision to reflect this for well being of the child in their care and must maintain supervision at all times.
29) All children may only use the facility when accompanied by a responsible adult of 18 years and over.
30) In the interest of Health and Safety, please ensure that any food debris that falls on the floor is picked/wiped up as soon as possible. Report any spillages to a member of staff
31) Report all accidents on the day of your visit to a member of staff, to ensure that we can provide any necessary assistance and minimize the potential of reoccurrence. These will be logged and are an important part of on going safety audits.
32) All personal items such as money should be left with parents/careers. Please note Adventure Kidz do not accept any responsibility for any personal belongings at any time.
33) All damages to Adventure Kidz property either accidental or deliberate must be reported to a member of staff.
34) Nappy changing and the use of potties etc. should be conducted in the baby changing room. Place nappies in a nappy bag provided and then in the correct bin provided.
35) For Health and Safety reasons, only food purchased at Adventure Kidz may be consumed on the premises.
36) Report any behavioural concerns to a member of staff. Don’t attempt to intervene yourself.
37) Adventure Kidz Ltd encourages children to play, run free and explore in a safe and stimulating environment. As such, there are inherent risks that are always associated with children playing and having fun together. These include children being exposed to moderate physical activity, tripping, falling and bumping into fixed objects and other children.
Baby and Toddler Area Rules of Play
Please observe the following Adventure Kidz Ltd Rules of Play at all times.
- Only Babies and Children who are between 0-4 years and under 140cm in height may play in this area.
- Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times including parents and guardians.
- Children should use the toilet and wash their hands before entering the play area.
- Adventure Kidz Ltd has taken into consideration all aspect of play including Sensory Items. Please be aware all Sensory/Play items need to have parents/guardians supervision at all times when being used.
- The parents/guardians must:
Remain within the building at all times;
• Observe the child to ensure that they are capable of using the equipment safely;
• Explain these rules of play to the children and monitor their behaviour;
• Know where their child is and make sure the child knows where they are at all times. - All children may only use the facility when accompanied by a responsible adult 18 years and over.
- Children are advised to wear long trousers and long sleeved shirts and must wear socks at all times on the play equipment to minimise risk of personal injury.
- Children, who become unwell in the centre, must leave the centre immediately.
- Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit the centre for at least 48 hours.
- Clothes with rope and cords should not be worn in the play area. No sharp objects may be taken into the play area.
- Leave badges and jewellery with parents/guardians. Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer strap and have shatterproof lenses.
- It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or the frame structure.
- Balls or other objects should not be thrown at each other.
- Please do not play in front of the slide exits.
- Please do not climb or run up and down the slides.
- No food, drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
- Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave the premises.
- It is forbidden to smoke or play with fire on the premises.
- In case of a problem, contact the owner or a member of staff. All children must be accompanied by supervising adult/guardians at all times.
- Adventure Kidz Ltd encourages children to play, run free and explore in a safe and stimulating environment. As such, there are inherent risks that are always associated with children playing and having fun together. These include children being exposed to moderate physical activity, tripping, falling and bumping into fixed objects and other children.
Public Liability Insurance for Baby & Toddler Area and SEN Events
We confirm that your insurance policy requires you to comply with your duty of care to ensure that you protect the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone visiting your premises.
In view of the potential risk created by children of different ages playing in the same area, the recommended approach to minimising such risk is that smaller children are segregated from larger children. Restricting areas according to age is considered to be the best approach to achieving safe segregation of children.
Your public liability insurance has been arranged on the understanding that you are following the industry best practice and have a separate area for babies & toddlers and that children over the age of 4 will not have access to this area.
Insurers appreciate that your new sensory play equipment within the baby & toddler area, is something that older children, particular those with special needs, would enjoy. However, as the sensory area is within the baby & toddler area, insurers would not expect you to allow any children over 4 years of age to play with the sensory equipment during normal opening times.
You are required to make reasonable adjustments for the disabled and having set times when children with special needs have exclusive use of the play equipment including sensory area regardless of their age would be considered a reasonable adjustment.
Your insurers will extend your policy to include cover for these events, subject to the premises not being open to the general public during these set times and the parents/guardians being made aware that all areas of the play equipment are accessible to all children attending the session so they are required to fully supervise their children at all times to minimise the risk of harm to their children or others.
Quad Bike Rules
1 Parents/Guardians must explain the Quad Bike rules to their child/children before use and monitor their behavior to make sure of their own safety and others
2 Parents/Guardians must remain with their child/children whilst using the Quad Bikes at all times
3 Parents/Guardians must observe their child/children to ensure that they are capable of using the Quad Bikes safely
4 Children may only enter the track area with a Parent or Guardian present at all times
5 Riders must be seated at all times
6 Riders must keep their hands on the handlebars at all times
7 No standing on the seats at any time
8 Riders must not Bump/Hit/Ram the Quad Bike in front of them. These are not Bumper Cars/Bikes
9 Riders must travel in a clockwise direction around the track following the white arrows
10 Children/ Parents/Guardians must not push the Quad Bikes at any time
11 Riders using the Quad Bikes do so at their own risk
12 Shoes must be worn at all times when using the Quad Bikes
13 Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behavior and wellbeing of their child/children and must maintain supervision at all times.
The Adventure Kidz staff supervises the play equipment and helps maximize the enjoyment of the play experience. They are not a replacement for parental supervision. Parents/Guardians should note that whilst every consideration is given for the safety of children using the play centre, Adventure Kidz Limited cannot be held responsible for accidents that occur as a result of children playing on the equipment.
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
High Rope Rules
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
Age of Child needs to be 4 Years upwards and a minimum height of 1metre is required to use this apparatus.
Children between the height of 1metre – 1.2metre need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Harnesses are to be put on and taken off by trained staff only.
Only one participant on an activity at a time except if a child is being accompanied.
No running, jumping, hanging or horseplay. Operator reserves the right to expel participants from the Apparatus if exhibiting this behaviour.
Sling line rope should stay in front of and between your shoulders at all times.
Do not touch the overhead tracking system or tamper with your harness or sling line.
Participant maximum weight is 21 stone. Participant must safely fit in the harness.
Please participate responsibly. YOU must be in good health to use this apparatus. It is not suitable for individuals with: Neck, Back or Heart problems; who have had recent surgery; who are pregnant; or, who have a physical condition that may be aggravated, in any way, by using this equipment.
Privacy Policy
At Adventure Kidz Ltd we are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and never misused.
Our Privacy policy explains what personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal information and the procedures we have in place to protect your personal information. Privacy policies can be complicated. We have tried to make ours as clear and as accessible as possible.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this policy or how Adventure Kidz Ltd handles your information please email us on
1 What information is being collected?
We will only ask for or collect the personal information we need to provide and improve the service, products and experiences our customers expect.
You may share with us: your name, address, email address, contact number and payment information.
2 Who is collecting it?
Adventure Kidz Ltd (Reg No 7458701) is the data controller for the personal data. A data controller determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. Our registered address is: Montague Place, Quayside, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME44QU.
3 How is it collected?
Personal data is collected in one or more of the following ways:
– Your use of our social media platforms
– When you make a credit or debit payment
– When you contact us through the website
– When you communicate with us through email or on the phone
– When you pay online for services (Book My Party)
Other Data Collected
CCTV data is recorded and viewed by those members of staff who have access to the system and our outside provider and maintenance company.
How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. By continuing to use this site you agree to a file being added. This site uses cookie to anonymously analyse web traffic and to allow users to log into the member areas.
We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to visitors needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis.
Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.
4 Why is it being collected?
The primary legal basis for processing your personal data is contractual, to allow us to carry out the business transactions agreed between you and Adventure Kidz Ltd
In addition we may also process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest in carrying out marketing activities and developing new products or services.
5 How will it be used?
Our main reason for collecting and using your personal information is to provide and improve the service and experiences that you expect from us. We use the information you share with us in the following ways:
– To respond to queries and requests
– To communicate with you
– Fire and Safety whilst on site in the event of the building being evacuated
– To provide services and support for our events.
– As long as you’re happy for us to do so, to tell you about services.
– To allow us to improve your experience through customer satisfaction surveys
– CCTV data regarding your whereabouts onsite, should you visit our premises
6 Who will it be shared with?
Most importantly, we never sell your personal information to anyone and only share it as outlined in this Privacy policy or when you ask us to.
We will also share your personal information if we are required to do so by law.
7 How long is it kept?
We only keep your personal information for as long as we need to, to be able to use it for the reasons given in this Privacy Policy, and for as long as we are required to keep it by law.
8 How your personal data is protected
We are committed to protecting your personal information. We use appropriate technical and organisational measures, including encryption, to protect your personal information and privacy, and review those regularly.
We protect your personal information using a combination of physical and IT security controls, including access controls that restrict and manage the way in which your personal information and data is processed, managed and handled.
We also ensure that our staff are adequately trained in protecting your personal information.
9 How can you change the way we contact you about our products?
You can change the way that we contact you in the following ways:
Opt-In/Start Contacting Me
If you hadn’t previously asked us to send you marketing communications, you can ask us to start contacting you (sometimes called an “opt-in”) by:
– Contacting us via email or phone and stating that you would like to receive communications from us
Changing your preferences
If you have previously said that you would like us to contact you (“opted-in”) but would like to change or update the way that we do so, you can update your preferences by:
– Contacting us via email or phone and stating that you would like to change or update the way that we contact you
Opt-Out/Stop Contacting Me
If you want to stop receiving marketing communications from us (sometimes called “opting out”), you can do so at any time by:
– Contacting our office on 01622 719898 stating that you no longer wish to receive such communications
– Using the unsubscribe option included in all our email correspondence (on all marketing and support communications)
– Emailing us on
11 Your rights
You have the right to access, update and amend personal information that we hold about you. You can also:
– Object to our use of your personal information for certain purposes
– Ask us to limit or restrict our use of your personal information
– Ask us to remove or delete personal information about you
If you would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information, please email
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you also have the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner in the UK.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our treatment of your personal information, please write to us by email to
We hope you enjoy your party at Adventure Kidz
Please note: all party rooms will be allocated by Adventure Kidz on the day of the party. We cannot guarantee you downstairs or upstairs rooms as we have to take into consideration ages of children and any disability. Adventure Kidz Limited
Party Terms & Conditions
These conditions set out the basic on which we provide Party Packages and Play. We are Adventure Kidz Limited a company registered in England and Wales under number 7458701 with our registered office located at Montague Place, Quayside, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4QU.
Definitions of words used in these Conditions can be found in paragraph 12 of these Conditions.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
No Contract will exist between you and us until we have received a 50% deposit. Through payment of this deposit you are deemed to have accepted our party terms and conditions. We reserve the right prior to this stage to decline any request by you for a Party Package.
Payment for the Party Package will be due in the following instalments:
a) A deposit of 50% must be submitted to us to secure the booking. (Non refundable)
b) The balance of the party has to be paid 7 days prior to the party for your booking to go a head. Once you have confirmed your party numbers and processed your final payment, we are unable to offer any form of refund. This inculdes a goverment forced lockdown to do with any kind of old pandemic (Covid) or a new strain. If you choose to cancel your party inside the 7 days before paying the balance this will still be due under these terms to be paid in full.
c) Where the order as stated in the Party Confirmation is varied, any sum payable by you as a result of any variation to such original order will be payable by you in full when we agree to that variation, or as otherwise agreed by us in writing.
Site Security
3.1 All people attending a party must join the Adventure Kidz Ltd registration scheme to comply with our Full Track and Trace policy.
3.2 Seven days prior to attending the Site you will supply us with the names of all children who will be attending along with their hot food choice. We require this information for entry into our security system.
Party Bookings
Toddler Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason
Standard Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Quad Bike Party includes access to all of the soft play area. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package.
High Ropes Party includes access to all of the soft play area subject to the Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Laser Gun Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Teddy Tastic Party includes access to all of the soft play area only. Access to the High Ropes are not included in this package. Quad Bikes are £1 per ride if open and are not being closed for a private party or closed for any other reason.
Age and height restrictions apply on the high ropes you must be 4 years and above and be a minimum 1metre tall. Any children between 1 meter and 1.2 metres must be accompanied by an Adult of 18 years and above at all times.
To avoid any disappointment please read our party terms and conditions before booking a party.
Variation by Us
We reserve the right to change the content of any of the Party Packages
6.1 Purchasing a party is acceptance of our terms/rules of play. If you cancel the party before the date of the party any monies paid ie your deposit or full payment is non-refundable, This includes if we are forced as a company to close due to any virus/pandemic or for any other reason by the government body/department including local Council and EHO. If you cancel/no show for your party this is non-refundable also applies.
6.2 Subject to our sole discretion which is (not guaranteed in any form) cancellations due to serious illness or other serious factor may be considered to rebooked without incurring any fee. Evidence may be requested to confirm the above from your doctor/hospital. or forced closures, lockdowns, pandemics may be rebooked without incurring any fee at a time and date agreed with both parties..
7.1 The rules of Play will apply to these Conditions as stated herein.
7.2 The Party Organizer should arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the party.
7.3 Party Organizer must inform Adventure Kidz staff of any food allergies or similar materially important facts concerning all children within their party.
7.4 The upstairs party rooms are for eating only (40mins). You do not have access to them for the full 2 hours.
7.5 We reserve tables in the main seating area for any party’s that have the upstairs party rooms.
7.6 You are able to put balloons, and bunting into the party rooms but you must only use Blue Tak You are able to fix to any table of window, Cello-tape is forbidden. NO DECORATIONS ARE TO BE AFFIXED TO ANY WALLS IN ANY PARTY ROOM.
7.7 Parking on site within our Car Park. You must not park on any Double Yellow Lines as these are in forced by UK Parking tickets will be issued if you are not parking in the correct bays provided. If our parking is full you are able to park elsewhere on the estate including the retail park free of charge. A restruction of 3 hours parking applies on the retail park please read signs for full terms and conditions. Adventure Kidz is unable to reserve any parking spaces it is on a first come first serve basics. We cannot guarantee you a space within our carpark for general play or attending a party/event.
8.1. We do not exclude our liability for death or personal injury arising from negligence or that or our employees.
8.2 We exclude our liability for all and any loss, damage and /or theft that you may suffer howsoever arising and all and any injury, which does not fall within the parameters.
Third Party Rights
These Conditions only apply between you and us and no one else is entitled to enforce any provision of these Conditions.
Law and Jurisdiction
These Conditions are to be governed by and interpreted in accordance with laws of England. Legal action in connection with these Conditions may only be brought in the courts of England and Wales.
Closure of Play Equipment
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
In these definitions the following expressions have the following meanings:
Conditions: The conditions in this contract and changed we make to them
Contract: The contract between you and us authorizing us to provide the Party Package in accordance with these Conditions.
Deposit: 50% of the price. (Non refundable) Balance is payable in full 7 days piror to the party date. If you cancel your party inside 7 days without final payment this will still be payable under these terms.
Party: The party for which we are providing the Party Package.
Party Organizer: The parent or guardian responsible for the children at the Party.
Party Package: The party service we provide for your party.
Party Confirmation: The confirmation (letter or email) sent to you by us confirming details of your Party.
Price: The total fee payable by you for the provision of the Party Package.
Rules of Play: The rules which apply to playing at the Site and which are attached to these Conditions.
Site: Adventure Kidz Ltd Indoor Adventure Centre.
‘We, us or our’: Adventure Kidz Ltd.
‘You’: The customer who is entering into this Contract on the basic of these Conditions.
Adventure Kidz Rules of Play
1) All visitors must register their details at reception prior to entering.
2) While Adventure Kidz Limited and its employees attempt to ensure the complete safety of our visitors it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to supervise and accompany children on the site A responsible adult of 18 years and over must accompany all children at all times. Adventure Kidz does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children.
3) An adult is classed as a parent or guardian over the age of 18 and the child/children remain their responsibility at all times when in Adventure Kidz. This is for the safety and security of their children. The above age requirement is imposed upon us from child services, the local EHO and our Public Liability insurers.
4) The parents/guardians must:
• Remain within the building at all times;
• Observe the child to ensure that they are capable of using the equipment safely;
• Explain these rules of play to the children and monitor their behaviour;
• Know where their child is and make sure the child knows where they are at all times
5) All height and age restrictions in all areas imposed by the management must be adhered to.
6) Older Children can be admitted at the management’s discretion but will be charged at the Child rate of 4-12 years.
7) Abusive/aggressive or any other type of behavior deemed to be unsuitable towards Adventure Kidz staff; management or any other member of the public from either adults or children will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Visitors may be asked to leave the centre with a warning placed on their records if they have an annual pass, Adventure Kidz management also reserve the right to enforce a total ban. Should members of the public witness any unsuitable behavior from either adults or children they MUST inform a member of staff immediately who will then resolve the situation, as opposed to the public using any verbal or physical intervention themselves. Failure to follow this rule could result in further action being taken by Adventure Kidz Ltd or individual parties involved. In the event of failing to comply with the above the Police may be called to resolve any issues.
8) Children should use the toilet and wash their hands before entering the play area.
9) Leave badges and jewellery with a responsible adult. Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer and shatterproof lenses.
10) Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times. In case of a problem, contact reception or a member of staff.
11) Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice or compensation. We will endeavor to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
12) Adventure Kidz reserves the right to restrict play sessions. This will be communicated to guests before payment is taken on reception.
13) Age restrictions vary dependent on the play area that visitors are using. These are in place for the safety and enjoyment of all children.
14) Play can be restricted to 2 hours during peak times.
15) We recommend to parents that children wear long sleeves and trousers. Clothes should be tucked in at all times. Football shirts and other items of clothing that are made from man made fibres are not recommended and will prevent children from using some of the attractions (Drop Slide) within Adventure Kidz.
16) Clothes with ropes and cords should not be worn in the play area.
17) Please do not play in front of the slide exits or run up/down the slides.
18) No pens or sharp objects may be taken into the play area.
19) It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or the system structure.
20) Our food and drink is very tasty and reasonably priced. Unfortunately you are not permitted to bring your own. Please observe this rule and save yourself any embarrassment.
21) No food, drink or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
22) It is forbidden to smoke or play with fire within the play centre.
23) Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit the centre for at least 48 hours.
24) Children, who become unwell in the centre, must leave the centre immediately.
25) Children who are unwell should not enter the play area.
26) Balls or other objects should not be thrown at each other.
27) Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave.
28) Parents/Guardians know their child’s capabilities and behaviour best and should ensure an appropriate level of supervision to reflect this for well being of the child in their care and must maintain supervision at all times.
29) All children may only use the facility when accompanied by a responsible adult of 18 years and over.
30) In the interest of Health and Safety, please ensure that any food debris that falls on the floor is picked/wiped up as soon as possible. Report any spillages to a member of staff
31) Report all accidents on the day of your visit to a member of staff, to ensure that we can provide any necessary assistance and minimize the potential of reoccurrence. These will be logged and are an important part of on going safety audits.
32) All personal items such as money should be left with parents/careers. Please note Adventure Kidz do not accept any responsibility for any personal belongings at any time.
33) All damages to Adventure Kidz property either accidental or deliberate must be reported to a member of staff.
34) Nappy changing and the use of potties etc. should be conducted in the baby changing room. Place nappies in a nappy bag provided and then in the correct bin provided.
35) For Health and Safety reasons, only food purchased at Adventure Kidz may be consumed on the premises.
36) Report any behavioural concerns to a member of staff. Don’t attempt to intervene yourself.
37) Adventure Kidz Ltd encourages children to play, run free and explore in a safe and stimulating environment. As such, there are inherent risks that are always associated with children playing and having fun together. These include children being exposed to moderate physical activity, tripping, falling and bumping into fixed objects and other children.
Baby and Toddler Area Rules of Play
Please observe the following Adventure Kidz Ltd Rules of Play at all times.
- Only Babies and Children who are between 0-4 years and under 140cm in height may play in this area.
- Please remove shoes before entering the play area. Socks must be worn at all times including parents and guardians.
- Children should use the toilet and wash their hands before entering the play area.
- Adventure Kidz Ltd has taken into consideration all aspect of play including Sensory Items. Please be aware all Sensory/Play items need to have parents/guardians supervision at all times when being used.
- The parents/guardians must:
Remain within the building at all times;
• Observe the child to ensure that they are capable of using the equipment safely;
• Explain these rules of play to the children and monitor their behaviour;
• Know where their child is and make sure the child knows where they are at all times. - All children may only use the facility when accompanied by a responsible adult 18 years and over.
- Children are advised to wear long trousers and long sleeved shirts and must wear socks at all times on the play equipment to minimise risk of personal injury.
- Children, who become unwell in the centre, must leave the centre immediately.
- Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit the centre for at least 48 hours.
- Clothes with rope and cords should not be worn in the play area. No sharp objects may be taken into the play area.
- Leave badges and jewellery with parents/guardians. Spectacles should only be worn if used with a retainer strap and have shatterproof lenses.
- It is forbidden to climb on the netted walls or the frame structure.
- Balls or other objects should not be thrown at each other.
- Please do not play in front of the slide exits.
- Please do not climb or run up and down the slides.
- No food, drinks or chewing gum should be taken into the play area.
- Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Guilty parties may be asked to leave the premises.
- It is forbidden to smoke or play with fire on the premises.
- In case of a problem, contact the owner or a member of staff. All children must be accompanied by supervising adult/guardians at all times.
- Adventure Kidz Ltd encourages children to play, run free and explore in a safe and stimulating environment. As such, there are inherent risks that are always associated with children playing and having fun together. These include children being exposed to moderate physical activity, tripping, falling and bumping into fixed objects and other children.
Public Liability Insurance for Baby & Toddler Area and SEN Events
We confirm that your insurance policy requires you to comply with your duty of care to ensure that you protect the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone visiting your premises.
In view of the potential risk created by children of different ages playing in the same area, the recommended approach to minimising such risk is that smaller children are segregated from larger children. Restricting areas according to age is considered to be the best approach to achieving safe segregation of children.
Your public liability insurance has been arranged on the understanding that you are following the industry best practice and have a separate area for babies & toddlers and that children over the age of 4 will not have access to this area.
Insurers appreciate that your new sensory play equipment within the baby & toddler area, is something that older children, particular those with special needs, would enjoy. However, as the sensory area is within the baby & toddler area, insurers would not expect you to allow any children over 4 years of age to play with the sensory equipment during normal opening times.
You are required to make reasonable adjustments for the disabled and having set times when children with special needs have exclusive use of the play equipment including sensory area regardless of their age would be considered a reasonable adjustment.
Your insurers will extend your policy to include cover for these events, subject to the premises not being open to the general public during these set times and the parents/guardians being made aware that all areas of the play equipment are accessible to all children attending the session so they are required to fully supervise their children at all times to minimise the risk of harm to their children or others.
Quad Bike Rules
1 Parents/Guardians must explain the Quad Bike rules to their child/children before use and monitor their behavior to make sure of their own safety and others
2 Parents/Guardians must remain with their child/children whilst using the Quad Bikes at all times
3 Parents/Guardians must observe their child/children to ensure that they are capable of using the Quad Bikes safely
4 Children may only enter the track area with a Parent or Guardian present at all times
5 Riders must be seated at all times
6 Riders must keep their hands on the handlebars at all times
7 No standing on the seats at any time
8 Riders must not Bump/Hit/Ram the Quad Bike in front of them. These are not Bumper Cars/Bikes
9 Riders must travel in a clockwise direction around the track following the white arrows
10 Children/ Parents/Guardians must not push the Quad Bikes at any time
11 Riders using the Quad Bikes do so at their own risk
12 Shoes must be worn at all times when using the Quad Bikes
13 Parents/Guardians are responsible for the behavior and wellbeing of their child/children and must maintain supervision at all times.
The Adventure Kidz staff supervises the play equipment and helps maximize the enjoyment of the play experience. They are not a replacement for parental supervision. Parents/Guardians should note that whilst every consideration is given for the safety of children using the play centre, Adventure Kidz Limited cannot be held responsible for accidents that occur as a result of children playing on the equipment.
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
High Rope Rules
Adventure Kidz reserves the right to close any ride during trading hours for any reason, without notice and compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
Age of Child needs to be 4 Years upwards and a minimum height of 1metre is required to use this apparatus.
Children between the height of 1metre – 1.2metre need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Harnesses are to be put on and taken off by trained staff only.
Only one participant on an activity at a time except if a child is being accompanied.
No running, jumping, hanging or horseplay. Operator reserves the right to expel participants from the Apparatus if exhibiting this behaviour.
Sling line rope should stay in front of and between your shoulders at all times.
Do not touch the overhead tracking system or tamper with your harness or sling line.
Participant maximum weight is 21 stone. Participant must safely fit in the harness.
Please participate responsibly. YOU must be in good health to use this apparatus. It is not suitable for individuals with: Neck, Back or Heart problems; who have had recent surgery; who are pregnant; or, who have a physical condition that may be aggravated, in any way, by using this equipment.
Privacy Policy
At Adventure Kidz Ltd we are committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected and never misused.
Our Privacy policy explains what personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal information and the procedures we have in place to protect your personal information. Privacy policies can be complicated. We have tried to make ours as clear and as accessible as possible.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any aspect of this policy or how Adventure Kidz Ltd handles your information please email us on
1 What information is being collected?
We will only ask for or collect the personal information we need to provide and improve the service, products and experiences our customers expect.
You may share with us: your name, address, email address, contact number and payment information.
2 Who is collecting it?
Adventure Kidz Ltd (Reg No 7458701) is the data controller for the personal data. A data controller determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. Our registered address is: Montague Place, Quayside, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent, ME44QU.
3 How is it collected?
Personal data is collected in one or more of the following ways:
– Your use of our social media platforms
– When you make a credit or debit payment
– When you contact us through the website
– When you communicate with us through email or on the phone
– When you pay online for services (Book My Party)
Other Data Collected
CCTV data is recorded and viewed by those members of staff who have access to the system and our outside provider and maintenance company.
How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. By continuing to use this site you agree to a file being added. This site uses cookie to anonymously analyse web traffic and to allow users to log into the member areas.
We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to visitors needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis.
Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.
You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.
4 Why is it being collected?
The primary legal basis for processing your personal data is contractual, to allow us to carry out the business transactions agreed between you and Adventure Kidz Ltd
In addition we may also process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest in carrying out marketing activities and developing new products or services.
5 How will it be used?
Our main reason for collecting and using your personal information is to provide and improve the service and experiences that you expect from us. We use the information you share with us in the following ways:
– To respond to queries and requests
– To communicate with you
– Fire and Safety whilst on site in the event of the building being evacuated
– To provide services and support for our events.
– As long as you’re happy for us to do so, to tell you about services.
– To allow us to improve your experience through customer satisfaction surveys
– CCTV data regarding your whereabouts onsite, should you visit our premises
6 Who will it be shared with?
Most importantly, we never sell your personal information to anyone and only share it as outlined in this Privacy policy or when you ask us to.
We will also share your personal information if we are required to do so by law.
7 How long is it kept?
We only keep your personal information for as long as we need to, to be able to use it for the reasons given in this Privacy Policy, and for as long as we are required to keep it by law.
8 How your personal data is protected
We are committed to protecting your personal information. We use appropriate technical and organisational measures, including encryption, to protect your personal information and privacy, and review those regularly.
We protect your personal information using a combination of physical and IT security controls, including access controls that restrict and manage the way in which your personal information and data is processed, managed and handled.
We also ensure that our staff are adequately trained in protecting your personal information.
9 How can you change the way we contact you about our products?
You can change the way that we contact you in the following ways:
Opt-In/Start Contacting Me
If you hadn’t previously asked us to send you marketing communications, you can ask us to start contacting you (sometimes called an “opt-in”) by:
– Contacting us via email or phone and stating that you would like to receive communications from us
Changing your preferences
If you have previously said that you would like us to contact you (“opted-in”) but would like to change or update the way that we do so, you can update your preferences by:
– Contacting us via email or phone and stating that you would like to change or update the way that we contact you
Opt-Out/Stop Contacting Me
If you want to stop receiving marketing communications from us (sometimes called “opting out”), you can do so at any time by:
– Contacting our office on 01622 719898 stating that you no longer wish to receive such communications
– Using the unsubscribe option included in all our email correspondence (on all marketing and support communications)
– Emailing us on
11 Your rights
You have the right to access, update and amend personal information that we hold about you. You can also:
– Object to our use of your personal information for certain purposes
– Ask us to limit or restrict our use of your personal information
– Ask us to remove or delete personal information about you
If you would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal information, please email
If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you also have the right to refer the matter to the Information Commissioner in the UK.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy or our treatment of your personal information, please write to us by email to